We are always looking for ways to work collaboratively with other food banks, agencies and community projects. It’s really helpful and interesting for us to hear how others operate and to share ideas on how best to support those who need food.
This month we have worked collaboratively with Exminster Food Bank and have managed to arrange some food swaps. We have been lucky enough to receive bulk donations from generous organisations such as Morrisons and the Salvation Army. We now have ample supplies of rice and pasta, whereas Exminster Food Bank have a shortage, so we are swapping some of our stocks – what a great way of working with the local community to ensure we all get what we need.
This month we have trialled an initiative of providing fresh eggs to our clients.
It's important we all strive to eat a balanced diet and we are sure that these have been a welcome addition to the weekly food parcels.
During April we delivered 178 parcels which fed 342 people. We usually deliver around 200 parcels each month and have noticed that demand is beginning to drop a little. Other food banks have reported that they have experienced this too, which may be a result of people returning to work.
Its always great when clients don’t need us anymore but we do want to make sure that people who have a food emergency know how to get help and feel comfortable contacting us.
We are doing some work next month to try to increase our outreach and to ensure that we have our contact details displayed in all local community centres, churches, GP surgeries and schools.
We are working hard to ensure that the Exmouth Food Bank has strong links to other groups and networks in the community. For example, we have linked up with the East Devon Coronavirus Group and WEB (Woodbury, Exmouth and Budleigh Community) Health and Wellbeing Board.
By working with others who have responsibility for supporting the health, wellbeing and social care of individuals we can ensure that the Food Bank becomes part of the wider solution to address food poverty.
A recent visit from our Tesco Community Champion, Leanne, was a great opportunity to show what we do at the Food Bank and to highlight what food we need.
We also had a visit from the Budleigh Lions Club who presented a Certificate of Appreciation to all our volunteers for the work they have done supporting people in need during the pandemic.
We are beginning to plan how the Food Bank will work when Lockdown has fully ended. It will be lovely to be able to start to see clients again face to face but before we do this, we need to clarify how we can do this safely and effectively. During the next couple of months we will be discussing with volunteers proposed changes to our processes and the types of roles that will be needed.
In the meantime, some changes will also be happening to the Salvation Army Hall which is due to undergo some building work over the summer to the roof, the office at the far end and to the stage. We will keep you updated as this work progresses.