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Exmouth Food Bank June 2024 Newsletter

Demand during the past quarter

Between 1 March and 1 June 2024 our loyal team of volunteers have packed and distributed 905 parcels that provided food for 1867 people. Demand has remained consistent month on month, although 12% more people are using the Food Bank when compared to the same quarter last year.

The majority of those seeking help are families in need who struggle to put food on the table towards the end of the month. This quarter we have also worked closely with EDDC’s resettlement team to support families who have indefinite leave to remain in the UK; frequently they are placed in emergency accommodation, with little to no money for food. We provide food for two or three weeks as they settle and secure work or access benefits. In addition we have responded to a rise in referrals from social services and GP surgeries to assist individuals struggling to access food due to complex medical and mental health needs. Often this means providing bespoke food parcels.

Supporting the younger generation to eat healthily                           

In May we received a request from Lympstone Primary School to help them provide a nutritious breakfast for their Year 6 pupils each day before their SATs exams (13- 16 May 2024). We responded quickly and provided beans, porridge oats, milk, bread and eggs. All items were gratefully received and we look forward to seeing if the breakfasts boosted the brain power of the pupils!

We are also currently piloting a project with Littleham Primary School to supply fresh fruit and milk to pupils on a weekly basis. The school has a high number of children accessing free school meals and its catchment area is one of the most deprived areas in East Devon. Jo Poslett, their Pastoral Lead, is delighted with the impact of the project so far. ‘It's great to see so many children choosing to eat several pieces of fruit throughout the day. Also, 90% of the children are choosing to have a drink of milk each day, which is amazing.’

Planning ahead for the summer holidays

Citizens Advice East Devon received some funds from Devon County Council to distribute to organisations helping people deal with hardship. We were lucky enough to be awarded £1,000 worth of Iceland Vouchers to be used to support families with children under the age of 19.

The vouchers have come at a perfect time and will enhance our food offer. They were trialled during the June half term to good effect and will be used to ease the financial pressure that many families experience when trying to feed their children during the summer holidays.

Please keep those donations coming!

Exmouth Food Bank runs entirely on the support of the surrounding community. Currently the value of a food parcel for a single person stands at £29 and a family £54. Demand for our services remains high but, like many food banks, we are starting to experience a drop  in donations. We rely on 900 food items being donated per week, plus additional financial donations so that we can purchase any shortfall in stock. 

Anything you can do to help is really appreciated. A big thanks this quarter goes to the patrons of The Strand Pub for another generous donation of supplies and the Exmouth A Cappella Choir for electing Exmouth Food Bank as their charity for another year. In May they kindly presented us with a cheque for £635 ( see picture to the left) together with a useful supply of toiletries.


Our next Newsletter will be produced in August, ahead of Harvest Festival celebrations and donations.


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