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Exmouth Food Bank August 2022 News

This month

We’ve all been enjoying the lovely sunny summer weather since the start of the school holidays. 

For some families however, this means more pressure on their weekly food shopping as they need to provide extra meals for their school age children.

Where we can, we add some additional snacks and treats for families in this position.

Current volumes  

We have just finalised our numbers for July and this month we supplied 207 parcels to feed 530 people. 

It’s been great to see more of our clients now coming into the hall to choose and collect their food parcels. The volumes of deliveries have reduced but we still arrange a home delivery service for clients who have difficulty getting to and from the hall to collect their parcels.  

We prefer to see clients face to face in the hall wherever possible and this option allows more choice of items.

What’s in a parcel

Over recent months we have been improving the range of foods we supply in our standard parcels.

We still supply the usual tins and dried food cupboard basics we have always done, but we now also include:

The picture shows our standard 1-person parcel which includes all of the lovely new additions.

Winter fuel concerns

We are all watching the news nervously as more emerges each week about the potential hikes in fuel prices this autumn.

It’s of great concern to us all of course, but for families already struggling to make ends meet it will undoubtedly mean harsh choices between food and heating this winter.

We will be here to help and have started to plan for the inevitable increased volumes we are likely to see. We will be reminding all of our referring agencies including schools, GP surgeries and churches that they can refer people to us for food support. We hope this will increase awareness and keep Exmouth Food Bank front of mind.

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