As it was Father’s Day on Sunday June 22nd we provided some extra treats for all the men and dads to enjoy.
The men’s gift bags were added into the usual food parcels and contained some snacks, soft drinks and toiletries.
These were very well received.
We have just finalised our numbers for June and this month we supplied 198 parcels to feed 483 people.
After a slight fall in numbers in May, demand has started to rise again particularly from families. In June there was a 20% increase in take up of our services when compared to May. Many of these families are new to us, have 3 or more children and, due to the cost of living, are struggling to make ends meet. We are of course here to help anyone struggling to buy food and will continue to support where we can through these difficult times.
Exmouth Food Bank is now able to refer urgent cases directly to Citizens Advice via email. In addition, Citizens Advice have agreed to provide clients with access to telephone support from one of their Advisors during our Tuesday afternoon sessions and face to face access to an Advisor during our Friday afternoon sessions.
This will significantly enhance the level of information and support we can provide to our clients and we look forward to continuing to work closely with Citizens Advice.
We are very grateful to be supported by the generous members of the Budleigh Lions Club. Recently they collected food and supplies for the Food Bank on a bingo night followed by a further food collection from their members.
Once the food items had been delivered to the Food Bank, several of the members stayed for a cup of tea and a chat to find out more about our work. Our thanks go to all of the Lions Club members.
EDDC has committed to ensure that families are getting referred to us very swiftly when they reach out to the Council to access emergency help. We are now receiving direct referrals from EDDC Support Officers in charge of areas such as the Council’s Household Support Fund.
This is just the kind of joined up working that we have been striving to achieve.