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Demand during the past quarter

Between April and June 2023 our team of volunteers have packed and distributed 767 parcels that provided food for 1711 people. Demand remains consistent month on month, although 10% more people are using the Food Bank when compared to the same quarter last year.

May and June saw a significant shift in families seeking help, many of them visiting the Food Bank for the first time. As the gap between wages and the cost of living continues, families in particular are struggling to make ends meet. We are fortunately well stocked and are pleased to be able to offer a range of foods as well as additional items such as nappies, toiletries and cleaning products. Those needing emergency help when we are closed are also able to access our ‘out of hours’ parcels that are held in 26 locations in and around Exmouth. Over 30 emergency parcels were used this quarter.

More than just food

Some clients who approach the Food Bank are in a state of crisis and arrive with nothing to enable them to prepare or cook the food we provide.

We now hold a small supply of basics like cutlery, plates, jugs and can-openers for people living in emergency, temporary accommodation as well as camping stoves, saucepans and gas cylinder refills for people camping out or living in their cars.

In addition, to support these clients with limited access to cooking facilities, we have modified our food parcels to provide easy-cook foods.

Thank you to our amazing supporters

The Food Bank would not be able to function without the generosity of the people of Exmouth and our surrounding communities. We send a heartfelt THANK YOU to the individuals, churches, schools and organisations who donate food and funds to us. Many of you donate anonymously but we would like you to know that we acknowledge and value your contributions.

This month we would also like to thank Exmouth Rotary Club for the £1,000 cheque they presented to us as a result of the fund raising event they held at Tesco’s and to Vine Orchards Solicitors for sharing the proceeds of their Summer Ball with the Food Bank and Pete’s Dragons. It’s also good to see that the younger generation are keen to support us.  Evelyn, a pupil at Withycombe Primary School, came to visit us and donated an amazing £95.29 that she raised by making cakes and selling them at a family and friends cake party. We have a Food Bank volunteer in the making!


Planning ahead for the summer holidays

We know that the summer holidays place extra pressure on families trying to feed their children. In preparation we are working collaboratively with Open Door and have purchased vouchers that families in need will be able use in their café.

We are also seeking donations of the following items: long life non- refrigerated yogurt, sandwich pastes and spreads, tinned meats and healthy snacks.

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