September saw another significant increase in the amount of people turning to the Food Bank for help, particularly those with large families where demand has risen by a further 34%.
In total we distributed 288 parcels to feed 716 individuals – this is more than anything we experienced during the pandemic. The cost of living crisis is biting in and behind these statistics lie real people, facing real hardship.
Thankfully, the community of Exmouth continues to rally and we continue to be well supported with monetary and food donations.
Exmouth Food Bank has been approached by the Help for Heroes Community Recovery Services Team who meet with veterans in Exmouth once a month to provide medical, physical, emotional, and financial advice. The team has noticed that the cost of living situation is impacting on veterans whose pride comes first and who will not ask for help regarding food.
We are delighted to be able to help such a great cause and in September provided the team with seven parcels to distribute to veterans in need. We look forward to continuing to work with Help for Heroes each month.
See on your right a picture of Hannah Lake from the Community Recovery Services Team with our food parcels.
A big ‘thank you’ goes also to Exmouth Rotary who donated £700 to Exmouth Food Bank as part of the proceeds from their ‘Last night of the Jubilee Proms’ event held on 8 September 2022.
Their Chairman and other members of the Rotary team visited the Food Bank to hand the cheque over in person.
A huge thank you to everyone who has donated to the Food Bank this Harvest Festival. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity and support we have received from across the community. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all. YOU ARE AMAZING 😊