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Emergency: 07749 322 291
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Qualifying For A Delivery

Qualifying For A DeliveryThere are some circumstances that may prevent you from being able to collect your food in person from the Food Bank. If you find yourself in this situation, we will try to arrange a delivery.

If your referral is coming via an agency such as Citizens Advice, they can request a delivery on your behalf.  If you are referring yourself directly to the Food Bank, we will discuss your situation with you and, if agreed, will confirm details for a delivery directly with you.

Food parcels are delivered on a Tuesday or Friday afternoon. A volunteer Food Bank delivery driver will usually phone you to let you know they are on their way. You will need to be in when we deliver as we can’t leave food outside your house or with a neighbour.  

Get in touch with us if you need to discuss any of the above:


Phone 07749 322 291

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