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Exmouth Food Bank Spring 2025 News

Demand during the past quarter

The festive season combined with the start of a new year is always a busy time for Exmouth Food Bank as families struggle to deal with the extra expense. We would like to say a HUGE thank you to our loyal supporters including churches, schools, clubs, businesses and generous individuals who rallied to our call for help. Due to your generosity our team of volunteers (pictured left) were able to distribute 529 parcels that fed over 1135 people between 1 December 2024 and 31 January 2025.   

Our mission during 2025 is not only to ensure that we continue to provide food to those in crisis, but also to work proactively with agencies such as Citizens Advice East Devon and East Devon District Council. Partnership working means we can assist individuals to move out of the financial situation that has led to them seeking our help.

As part of this process we were delighted to welcome South West Water to the Food Bank for a second visit in February. They were able to advise our clients about the range of water tariffs that are available together with ways that they can help people clear any water debt.

Celebrating our outreach work                                                              

As a food bank we are keen to support those who may not access our services directly but who could still do with a little help. We are proud of our outreach work which includes:

Sharing our experiences of running a food bank                               

We were delighted to be invited to speak at East Devon's Voluntary Sector ‘Thank You’ Event in February and hope that the points we raised will inform the Anti-Poverty Strategy that the council are developing. The event enabled us to make valuable connections to other food banks working in Devon and to share best practice – many exchange visits are now planned!    

Easter Preparations                                                                                     

Easter Sunday is on 20 April this year. We would welcome donations of Easter eggs and chocolates to give to families. If possible such donations need to be with us by  Tuesday 8 April so that we can distribute them ahead of the Easter weekend. 

Advanced warning to referring agencies - the Food Bank will be open on Tuesday 15 April as usual but will be closed on Good Friday 18 April. Normal opening hours will resume the following week.



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